Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Day 41 (Kenpo) Six weeks down

Yesterday was Kenpo.  Not much to report.  I have to go faster and push myself harder than what is going on in the video in order to keep sweating.  If I do that, it turns out to be a decent workout.  I can tell my balance and coordination is getting better.  I can focus on my whole body while doing the kicks...focusing both on balancing on my standing leg, leaning over and getting my kicks up there.  That is something I couldn't previously do.  Before, it was more just about getting my foot up there somewhere.  So all of that is a great improvement and something I didn't anticipate coming.  I had been toying with replacing this workout with Core Synergistics, but I think I will stick with Kenpo through the remainder of the 90 days and I'll see what happens.

So six weeks down with no missed workouts.  Even through severe allergies.

My schedule for the next few days will be modified.  It would normally be:
Wed: rest
Thurs: Chest/Shoulders/Tri
Fri: Plyo
Sat: Back/Biceps

But I need to drive 12 hours to vacation in Florida on Saturday.  So I'm shifting the rest day to Saturday and moving everything up one day.  Not sure how well that will work.  I am still sore from Legs/Back on Monday and doing Plyo so soon (on Thursday) is a little scary.  Plus, I may need to mow the grass on Thursday before we leave.  So Plyo and then grass?  God help me.

1 comment:

  1. So proud of you honey! Hey...Kenpo on the beach will be nice right? :)
