Sunday, May 6, 2012

Day 44 (Plyo), Day 45 (Ab) Commitment is...

Did Plyo on Friday as normally schedule.  I was to do Back/Biceps today, but I moved it back to Thursday because I drove 12 hours to Florida today.  However, I couldn't do the Ab Ripper portion because I had already done it on Wednesday as a part of flipping my schedule around.  OK, so that is way confusing and not very important.

The important thing is that I actually drove 12 hours to vacation, was worn out, felt like crap, the last few hours didn't go as planned and I still managed to do the workout I was supposed to do.  That means I made it 45 days (halfway through to 90) without missing a single workout.  I feel pretty good about that.

Nothing special about Plyo except that I didn't have to pause the DVD once.  I wrote out a cheat sheet of the exercises to mentally prepare myself.  Many of them are fairly easy so I consider them mini breaks.  By writing the whole thing out, I can push myself through absolute exhaustion during the hard exercises because I know when I will get a breather.  The only real modification I did in the workout was that I simply couldn't get all the way to touch the floor for the rest of the routine after the second round of Squat Reach Jumps.  If I were to go all the way to touch the floor after that, I wouldn't be able to get back up.  So I would just go down to just below my knee.  That is the best I can do. 

Melanie and I are in Panama City Beach for a week.  But I always get up quite a bit before her and I plan to continue workouts while I'm here.  Tomorrow is Yoga.  I brought weights and the portable pull up bar for Legs/Back on Monday.  Kenpo on Tuesday will be easy.   Wednesday is rest (although I may do the stretch).  Then I move on to the rest/recovery week.  Thursday is Yoga.  Friday is Core.  I am swapping Saturday and Sunday to make Saturday stretch (which I may skip or do Wednesday because I am driving home this day) and then do Kenpo on Sunday.