Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Day 20 (Kenpo...) ...is getting too easy. 3 Weeks down!

Kenpo is becoming way too light of a cardio workout.  Once the workout reverts to arms (which it does often), my heart rate drops way too far down.  I can't complain too much...my HR monitor says I burned 880 calories...but I still feel like I could do MUCH more.  I'm toying around with swapping it out for something else.  The thing that keeps me from doing that is that I still struggle with balance on many of the kicks...specifically the back kicks.  It bugs me to not be able to do something.  I'm assuming that more Yoga and Leg/Back workouts will help with this.  So I'll stick with it until my HR drops way too low (if I'm at 600 or less calories burned) or I perfect the kicks.

The hardest thing about Kenpo today was getting into that Crescent pose at 6AM in high top tennis shoes and then going into a twisting prayer.  I mean...really?  I can barely (if at all) do that after 30 minutes of Yoga.  And you want me to do that as a part of warming up for Kenpo?  What are you stretching?  My soul???

I can't believe that three weeks are done.  I can't believe I actually got up at 6AM or earlier every day and accomplished this.  Especially when I was afraid I wouldn't get through the first workout.  Next week (which starts on Thursday) is the "recovery week."  The workouts are: Yoga, Core Synergistics, Kenpo, Stretch, Core Synergistics, Yoga.  The only unknown is Core Synergistics...I haven't done that workout yet.  But I am looking forward to the Yoga.  Balance appears to be my weakness.