Sunday, April 15, 2012

Day 25 (Kenpo) Increasing intensity and losing weight

Did Kenpo today.  Was able to burn just over 1000 calories (according to my HR monitor) by adding a little more intensity to all of the moves.  Through many of the arm sequence, I increased my pace over what was on the DVD to keep my heart rate up.  When it got to the start blocks, I just did jumping jacks as the block sequence is just WAY too slow.  I have improved on balance.  I can do reverse kicks reasonably well even when I'm exhausted.

Today I felt wasted for some reason.  Not sure if it is over training or what.  I checked my weight this morning and I was at 161...too low.  I've lost 5-6 pounds in the last three weeks.  I really have mixed feelings about this.  I didn't start P90X to lose weight, but I did want to lose a tiny tire I have around my waist.  I actually wanted to build muscle.  So I'm not sure how I feel about losing any weight.  Can I really gain any muscle and lose that small amount of fat at the same time?  That was the question I entered into P90X with.  So far, the changes I've seen in my body are VERY subtle...slight increases in definition in my abs is the main thing.  Starting the second week, I actually paid attention to my diet...increasing protein substantially while trying to give up empty calories like Coke and snacks.  I still thought I was eating plenty.  But maybe I'm not eating enough and that is why I'm losing weight and feeling wasted.  Today I fell off the wagon though.  Seeing the weight loss and feeling tired gave me an excuse to pig out quite a bit and also load up on some Cokes.  I'll get back to normal tomorrow.

Tomorrow is Yoga and my attempt to switch up my schedule to do this stuff when I get home from work.  We'll see how it goes.  Looking forward to Yoga.  I love it.