Thursday, April 12, 2012

Day 22...I Quit...

I quit...taking "before pictures" every day.  It was dumb.  I may take them every week or so.

What did you think I was talking about?

Today was Yoga.  Couldn't get in the mindset of doing 90 minutes of Yoga at 6AM so I did it when I came home.  Still improving.  Still stumble in the asanas after twisting triangle.  Couldn't get through the Warrior 3, standing splits, moon, twisting moon routine.  I kept falling out, but I'd get right back in at least.  I rolled over my head trying to do the crane...haven't done that before.  All in all, I really like Yoga.  I can see improvements...I can see I am improving with strength in my legs and with balance and it is cool to see myself get better.

I had toyed with mowing the lawn after Yoga but I felt too...I don't know...groovy or mellow.

Core Synergistics is tomorrow.  I went through the book and the DVD and I'm glad I did.  There are a lot of complicated exercises.  Now I can spend more time doing them and less figuring them out.

Still going strong after three weeks!  Feeling good!