Thursday, May 17, 2012

Day 57 (Chest/Back) Now into the final phase...

Finished Chest/Back and then Ab Ripper later.  Because of the P90X schedule, I haven't done this workout in 5 weeks although I've done a lot of other chest and back exercises.  I didn't expect this workout to be so hard.  I'm not sure if it is truly the 5 weeks or the fact that I'm using push up bars now.  I was struggling.  I couldn't do the same number of reps (as far as push ups) when I last did this routine.  I also felt a lot of effort in my forearms.  I also performed pull ups with a chair after I max'd out without the chair (which was pretty quickly...after 8 pull ups in the first round).  I was able to increase my weight significantly for the heavy pants, lawn mowers and back flys.

Overall, I feel pretty good about the workout.  I pushed myself until my muscles wouldn't work anymore and I was very tight...I could barely lift my arm to wash the back of my neck in the shower afterward.

Ab Ripper also was somewhat of a challenge but not too bad.