Saturday, April 28, 2012

Day 38 (Back/Biceps) P90X and SEX...

P90X and sex...

Both have the letter x in them.

Per google stats, I sucked in about a bazillion people with the "I quit" post...I was wondering how many I would suck in with this one.

Did Back/Biceps today.  Used the chair for pull ups in order to get a decent rep count.  This is the only resistance exercise where I actually feel the post workout ache DURING the workout.  I think that means I am doing it right.  Burned 748 calories.

Did Ab Ripper right after in order to get it over with for the day.  Burned 203 calories because my HR was still up.  If I do it in the evening, I think I only burn 100.

Some info regarding calories burned...somewhere in the P90X workout literature (I think it is in the diet guide), the estimate that you burn on average 600 calories a day during the program.  That is probably right when you average in the rest day.  For the past two weeks, I've probably averaged eating about 3500 calories a day.  Subtract out that 600 calories and I'm netting 2900 calories a day.  Previously, I've found that I maintain a steady weight (no gain or loss) at about 2200-2300 calories.  So, I should be gaining weight on my current diet.  However, I'm not.  We'll see if that continues over the next several weeks.  I've tried to stack my diet with protein.  I'm averaging 25% protein, 25% fat and 50% carbs.  I've cut out practically all junk food except for a few hundred calories of Coke I haven't been able to kick.  I also find myself eating small portions very frequently through the day...meals with lots of high protein snacks mixed in.

Still not seeing much of a physical difference.  I don't comment much about that because previously I've found that it takes about 3 months of an exercise to start noticing a change.  It probably isn't coincidental that the P90X program is 3 months.  My expectations are actually low.  My guess is that my waist fat will remain the same but I will build more definition (although not much size) when this is all over with.  But my knees and back are way better than when I started so even just that would make this worth it.

Here's the workout sheet for today: