Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Day 34 (Kenpo) Five weeks down!

Completed Kenpo X yesterday.  After last week's recovery week, I was thinking about swapping out Kenpo with Core Synergistics.  After researching it a bit, I realized that there is a lot of upper body stuff in Core and I wouldn't have time enough to recover before Thursday's Chest, Shoulders and Triceps.  So I'll just stick with the current program.

I do not find Kenpo difficult at all even though I burned 857 calories.  It does not seem like an intense workout.  I have to put a lot of extra intensity to burn that many calories.  I still don't get the star block section.  It is so slow that my heart rate drops and I get nothing from it.  It is the only part of the P90X program that I've changed...I do jumping jacks during that minute or so.  They must put that in thinking that some people are going to be wasted and need a break.  It doesn't really exercise anything at all.  It is just a series of blocks you make while stepping forward twice and stepping backward twice.  I guess if you really, really want to know the blocks it might be worth doing.  But I'm not trying to be a Kenpo master...this is just cardio for me.  If it was about balance, strength or cardio, I would stick with it.  But it doesn't have a component of any of those things.

Today is the day of rest and then back at it tomorrow.  I am VERY sore from Monday's legs and back.  My quads and gluts are screaming.  I am going to consider that a very good thing.

I've made it five weeks!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats honey! I'm so proud of you for keeping this all up! Especially with all the allergies. Ugh.
