Saturday, April 21, 2012

Day 31.5 (Ab Ripper) Making it harder...+ nutrition update

 I don't usually update the Ab Ripper portion of the workout on this blog...I do the normal workouts in the afternoon and then Ab Ripper 3X/week after the kids go to bed.  I tried doing it right after a workout once...then I learned it is best to save it after I've rested and can focus on it.

I've dramatically improved on Ab Ripper since I started.  I have no problem completing all the reps and workouts (I'm not sure if I've ever had to take a break during it) and I'm starting to incorporate variations that make the exercises more difficult...things like holding the hands above the head during the first few (in/outs, bicycles).  I'm also able to focus more on keeping my legs vertical at the top in scissors and heels to the sky.  Tonight I tried to do the leg climb with no climb (just going straight up) but found that too hard right now.

I've mentioned that I've been keeping track of nutrition using  I'll probably make weekly posts on my progress there, separate from the workouts.  It would be too boring to be daily.  I've had some real up and downs with this.  I hate it...HATE it when I grossly underestimate calories for something.  Today I was doing great...actually running at 25% protein and less than 50% carbs (by total calories).  Then I had some Uno's pizza.  Little did I know it was almost 700 calories...PER SLICE.  Three slices alone were almost a whole day's food.  Not to mention all the freaking fat that is in it.  There isn't much that is more discouraging than killing yourself to meet a goal and then blowing it...almost DOUBLING it at 7:00 PM.  Kill me now.

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