Sunday, April 29, 2012

Day 39 (Yoga)

 Finished Yoga today.  Got though the Right Angle Pose grab stuff without tumbling.  Still couldn't get the balance to do the Prayer Twist from Runners Pose.  Made some improvement on Warrior 3, but with the right leg down I still couldn't hold Half Moon.  Was a little better at Twisting Half Moon.  I had to come down a few times from exhaustion in my right hip.  When I switched to standing on the left leg, the reverse happened...I couldn't hold Warrior 3, but I actually was better at Half Moon and Twisting Half Moon and I don't think I had to come down at all.  All of this is a significant improvement.

Anyhow, I think it is time to use a Yoga block.  Well, not a real one...that would be a waste of money.  It turns out that my individual season sets of Star Trek: The Next Generation are about the same dimensions. 

I've learned something about the balance poses (other than I suck at them).  They start with you standing on the left leg...bad idea as you just ended the whole Warrior 3/Standing Splits/Half Moon/Twisting Half Moon thing on your left leg.  It is fried.  I would recommend starting on the right leg as it has had some rest.  I was able to do crane a few times for a few seconds.  My limitation isn't really balance.  It is really putting a lot of strain on my wrists.

I also think I need to change the surface I'm working on.  The first time I did this, it was on carpet.  Well, I didn't want to destroy our carpet with sweat stains, so I put a cheap area carpet down and I've been working on that.  There are two problems with that.  First, during the Asanas I find my hands slipping on it.  Second, during the balance poses I think it is too soft which affects my balance.  I tried a Yoga mat a while back on the carpet and it didn't seem to help.  I'll have to think about how to solve this one.

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