Saturday, April 14, 2012

Day 24 (Stretch) Modifying the P90X schedule

Today was supposed to be Kenpo and tomorrow X-stretch.  Well my back was a little tight today, my knees a little wobbly (after Core/grass mowing yesterday) and I was having a stressful day anyway so I swapped them out...Kenpo will be tomorrow.  The overall P90X schedule is pretty good about spacing out never really focus on the same muscle group twice in a short period of time.  In this case (during the recovery week), the schedule is Yoga/Core/Kenpo/Stretch/Core/Yoga, so Kenpo is back-to-back with Core no matter what.

I'm not quite sure what to make of X-stretch.  The workout is scheduled as an optional 7th day workout at the end of every resistance week and once during the rest/recovery weeks.  Almost all of the stretches are the exact same ones at the beginning or the ends of the other routines...there are only a very small handful of exceptions...things like forearm stretches, some foot/ankle stretches and a back stretch (I could actually do the Camel as well as Shauna...right down to the ground...although I was a little concerned about getting stuck there).  So it is not like you aren't already doing this workout a small part at a time throughout the week.  That makes me feel a little better about skipping it as the 7th day workout.  You don't really get those stretches during the recovery week so I think I'll keep it in there.  Plus, it is pretty relaxing if you are having an uptight day.  It also keeps you on a routine...6 workouts a week.

Thanks for reading.

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