Saturday, April 7, 2012

Day 17 (Shoulders/Arms) Not much to report...

Completed Shoulders/Arms today.  Last time for this workout (and Thursday's Chest/Back) for 5 weeks.  The bummer is that it took 3 weeks to figure out exactly what weights to use on the exercises (to max out at 8-10 reps).  Oh well, at least I'll know what to start out with again.

It was hard to start the workout today.  Kept stalling.  I think that is why it is important to put the workout before some other deadline I have to meet (like getting to work, etc.).  That way I can't stall too long.

Today I'm feeling some left knee MCL tenderness from yesterday's Plyo.  It is better than it was after last week's Plyo so I'm not too concerned.  Plyo is really the only thing that affects that ligament and I won't be doing that again for 2 weeks.

Tonight after Ab Ripper, I'm going to study the Yoga DVD.  I've got over half of the asanas down but I'm shaky on the rest.  From experience I know if I am prepared for the moves, I can perform them much better.

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