Wednesday, March 21, 2012 one is tomorrow

First, I want to thank Stephanie Osborne for all of her information and help.  Her site is!/osbornefitness .   Go "like" it now.  I ordered the P90X through her and she has made herself available for all sorts of questions about the program.

For future records, here is where I am now...

Weight: 166 lbs
Resting Heart Rate: 65 bpm
Waist: 33 3/4
Chest: 39 1/4
Hips: 38
Right thigh at midpoint: 19
Left thigh at midpoint: 19 1/2
Right bicep at peak: 13 1/2
Left bicep at peak: 13

I'll probably update this info on a weekly basis.

Previous Routine
  • 4-5x/week 30 mins on Sole Elliptical at 10 of 20 resistance
  • I break a sweat after 8-10 minutes.  Haven't checked HR in a while, but I remember it getting into the target zone (75-80% max) after 10 minutes. 

2x/week weights routine 1 (3 sets of each except crunches and situps)
  • On machine - triceps pulldown, 12 reps, 72 lb (5 plates)
  • On machine - bench press, 8 reps, 135 lb (10 plates)
  • On machine - front raise, 12 reps, 46 lb (3 plates)
  • On bench - leg extensions, 12 reps, 90 lbs
  • Side crunches (both sides) 60 reps.  These consist of laying on my back with my knees together twisted to the left or right and against the floor, holding that position and crunching straight up.
  • Front sit-ups, 60 reps.  These consist of laying on my back and bringing my knees all the way up to my forehead.

2x/week weights routine 2
  • On machine - preacher curls, 12 reps, 80 lbs (6 plates)
  • On machine - lat pulldowns, 8 reps, 154 lbs (12 plates)
  • On bench - leg curls, 12 reps, 90 lbs
  • On machine - leg press, 12 reps, 305 lbs (12 plates)
  • Same crunches and situps as previous routine.
Overall shape/activity:
I'm actually in pretty good shape.  I don't take elevators where I work, so I'm going up and down stairs quite a bit...probably 10-15 flights (up and down) a day through the week.  I don't have a problem with that either with cardio or with my knees.  Other than that, I have no other physical activities.  Other than a little pain in my right knee (and really only during squat-like movements), I don't have any physical problems.

I'm probably taking in almost 3000 calories a day.  I eat a 200 calorie protein bar for breakfast everyday.  From my memory of when I was tracking things, I probably eat around 1200 calories for lunch and 1200 calories for dinner.  My weakness is Coca Cola.  Part of those meals include one.  I probably have 1-2 a day on top of that.  I've been able on and off to break the habit, but I always fall back on it.  Unfortunately, it results in probably 25% of my caloric intake.  I have very poor discipline when it comes to staying away from any snacks...I have to keep them out of my house.  Even so, an Oreo Blizzard or chocolate shake always seems to be calling my name (add on 700 calories on those days). 

When it comes to eating, I've met three kinds of people.  There are well adjusted people who don't have any eating problems, there are stress-starvers and then stress-eaters.  I'm a stress-eater.  When I get stressed, I immediately get hungry.  As I diminish stress in my life and learn better ways to deal with it, I'm hoping that phenomenon will go away.

I've got an awesome and supportive wife (Melanie) who has in many ways enabled me to take this challenge.  We have two incredible kids...Reggie who is almost 4 and Morgan who is 1 1/2.  I really enjoy being with my family and I spend most of my time with them.  I've scheduled all this workout stuff so that it doesn't interfere with the time that I spend with them.

First workout is in the morning.  I'll post how it went!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck tomorrow morning honey! We are rooting for you! ( of my emergency inhalers is by my nightstand just in case...hehe. j/k You will do fine!)
