Sunday, April 22, 2012

Day 32 (Yoga)

Completed Yoga.  Burned 699 calories.  Made it through the asanas past right-angle-pose-reach-and-grab without stumbling.  But I couldn't get through prayer twists out of runners pose (where you are doing prayer twists in a lunge).  Man those are hard to balance.  It probably doesn't help that my head is all stuffed up.  And of course, I couldn't do Warrior 3.  I just can't keep the balance.  The whole sequence after that for me is quite a mess.  I can do standing splits, but I keep falling out of half moon.  I'm actually better with twisting half moon.  I really want to get these, so I think I'll just go through these sequences on Wednesday night.

The balance postures after the asanas are tough in a different way.  I'm not sweating or anything, but I just can't stay balanced.  I am better at tree, but I haven't improved at the standing leg extensions.  I was able to get fully into crane a few times (before crashing).

In browsing comments from people doing P90X, it is really sad that many of them are trying desperately to escape doing yoga.  They try so hard to see if there is something else they can substitute.  I wonder if they avoid it because either they never tried it or it was too hard.  Both excuses are sad.

I would attribute a DRAMATIC improvement in my knees to Yoga X.  My balance is also improving and I am learning techniques (like focusing on breath) that helps me tolerate discomfort in all the other workouts and enables me to perform better.  I'm not really buying into all the meditation just yet...maybe I should.  I am more practical...I am just seeing improvements.  Plus, I feel so...I don't the end of the workout.  Today I actually continued on the DVD through "corpse" pose into lotus.  It was pretty relaxing after killing myself for 90 minutes.

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