Thursday, April 5, 2012

Day 15 (Chest and Back) Getting into the right state of mind

Today was the first day of week three.  Once again, I do the same 6 routines this week as I have the past two weeks.  After that I won't be doing these same 6 days for about 5 weeks.

I am noticing that I am mentally just waiting for each workout to end.  It is a state of mind that really prevents me from pushing myself because I'm always thinking, "OK, this is going to be over soon."  I'm really going to try defeat that mentality and to focus on each exercise as I'm doing it.  Otherwise, I'm really just wasting time.  If I'm not really pushing myself, I'm going to get through 90 days and not see any results.  You can't really go through autopilot on this program if you want to see a difference.  It is really about exhausting your muscles on those last few reps.

I got my pull up bar yesterday and installed it.  It feels MUCH more comfortable to do pull ups with the ceiling mounted bar than the bar in the doorway.  Unfortunately, that didn't equate into me being able to do more pull ups.  I am pull up challenged.  I can do 6 the first time and then I go downhill from there.  I start (incorrectly) using my body's momentum to pull me up and then get in trouble with swinging from the bar.  By the end of the workout (6 sets in), I am lucky to do 3.  However, everything else in the routine is improving.  Still, I feel like I could have pushed myself further on everything if I could focus more on the task at hand instead of when the tasks will be over.

I didn't get a chance to talk about nutrition yesterday.  I am not going by the P90X nutrition guide.  It is hard enough to find over an hour to exercise.  I decided a week ago that I was just going to try to eat "better."  I've cut out the junk food to a great degree (I was probably drinking 600 calories of Coke a day) and to focus on more high protein foods and limit portion sizes.  I'm not trying to lose weight...I'm just trying to make sure the food I eat can theoretically be incorporated into building more muscle instead of building more fat.  I'm really on the fence on if I believe you can truly lose fat and gain muscle at the same time.  We'll see.  It looks like I am about 2 pounds lighter now than when I started.

It is funny to read everything about P90X and how the program relates to weight.  Clearly, there is some conflict between the marketers of the program and the designers.  In truth, the program is not about weight at is about becoming more athletic...more physically defined, stronger and with increased cardio capacity.  It is not necessarily about getting bulkier or is more about getting defined or "cut."  However, it is clear the marketers were very sensitive about the need to talk about losing weight.  So you see that sprinkled in here and there.  Many of the success stories talk about weight loss as a component of what was accomplished.

Anyhow, it feels really good to know I'm starting week three.  Plyo is tomorrow.  Hopefully I don't end up jumping and cracking my skull on my new ceiling mounted pull up bar.

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