Sunday, March 25, 2012

Day 3.5...getting used to Ab Ripper

The Ab ripper routine is a 15 minute disc tacked on to 3 of the 6 workouts you initially do.  Tonight is my second night doing it.

The routine has 11 different moves with 25 repetitions each.  It moves very quickly...VERY quickly and has no breaks.

Since it moves so quick, I've found myself trying to figure out the proper move/form as they are starting and then never really being able to focus because I'm too busy watching the TV.  And many of these these seem really hard, at least for me.  Without the focus and being able to really push myself, I'm not able to keep form or complete even close to 25 reps without a break.  And if I take a break, they are running on to the next exercise before I get done.  Then I'm even more behind on the next move trying to figure out form...etc.

So that's two Ab workouts done and I don't think I've gotten much out of either.  Kind of discouraging.

In order to get around this, after I was done I skipped through the DVD and copied down little stick figures and notes for each move.  I can now look over this and get used to exactly what they are doing and not have to watch the TV.  Hopefully, I'll be able to focus more on what I'm doing and get more out of the workout.  We'll see if this works the next time this comes up which is Monday.

By the way, here are the moves (writing this to help me remember):

  1. In and outs.  You sit on your rear, balance with your hands at your sides to the floor and bring your knees back and forth toward and away from your chest without letting your feet hit the ground.
  2. Bicycles.  Same form as #1 but you hold your legs out and pedal your feet forward 25 times and then revers 25 times.
  3. Crunchy frogs.  same form as #1 but instead of balancing with your hands, you hold them out to your sides and then hug your knees as they come in to your chest.
  4. Cross leg/wide leg sit ups.  Lay on your back with your legs spread.  Sit up and then touch one of your toes 25 times for each toe.  That is the wide leg form.  If you cross your legs, it is harder.
  5. Fifer scissors.  Lay on your back.  Both legs hovering just above the ground and one pointed straight up.  Hold and switch every few seconds without letting either touch the ground.  25 switches.
  6. Hip rock and raise.  Lay on your back, arms to your sides with your knees apart but your feet together (making a diamond).  Lift your feet up essentially bringing your knees up toward your chest and then push your feet to the ceiling.  Then pull your knees back down and return to beginning position.
  7. Pulse ups (heels to heaven).  Similar to #6, but start with both legs straight and pointed to the ceiling.  Then push your heels up up to the ceiling, lifting your lower back off the floor and return.
  8. V-up/roll ups.  lay on your back, arms to your sides, legs extended.  Do a normal sit up but when the small of your back hits the ground on your return, lift your legs (still extended) and try to touch your toes again.  Then lower back into starting position.
  9. Oblique V-ups.  Lay on your side, bottom arm to your side along the floor and top arm bent with elbow out and hand to your neck.  Keep your legs straight and feet slightly off the floor.  Then try to touch your elbow to the side of your leg by bending your body into a V toward the ceiling.
  10. Leg climbs.  Lay on your back with one leg straight up to the ceiling and one leg bent with foot on the ground for support.  Use your hands to climb the extended leg and touch your toe and then return.
  11. Mason twists (40 reps on this one).  Sit on your rear with your knees bent.  Clasp your hands together.  Lift your feet slightly off the ground and move your hands over your body, touching the ground to the left and right of where you are sitting.
Do you see how you might not master the moves immediately?

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